Booking & Cancellation Policy
When an appointment is booked for you, time and resources are committed to the provision of your treatment. This means that, if anyone else wants to come at the same time, we will be unable to see them and will have to offer them an alternative time. If you do not then attend that appointment and either do not tell us in advance or give sufficient notice, the time cannot be allocated to someone else hence a loss.
Deposits and your credit/debit card details
A deposit is taking at the time of booking an initial consultation. Card details are not held. If you do not give sufficient notice of cancellation (48 hours) that deposit will be lost. The cost of the initial consultation can then be utilised against a future treatment or will be refunded if no treatment is agreed.
To cancel or reschedule your appointment
We make appointments with the expectation that you will attend at the agreed date & time to undergo your treatment; if you change your mind or work/other commitments prevent you from attending, we ask you to give us a minimum of 48 hours’ notice (excluding Sunday) so that we can reallocate your appointment slot to another customer.
Appointment reminders
Please note that, although we normally send text message reminders two days before appointments are due, the successful delivery of these relies on our text provider, your mobile network provider and your phone and cannot therefore be guaranteed.
Therefore, you should not rely on our text messages as the sole reminder of your appointment as we will not be responsible for any appointments missed as a result of non-delivery of the text message reminder, regardless of the reasons for its failure.